"The Sabbath Hour"
If the Sabbath day were the Sabbath hour, what would Sunday be?
A day to think of other things, and in the world to be?
If the Sabbath day were the Sabbath hour, how fun each Sunday would be!
To the football field, the basketball court, the golf course I would be!
If the Sabbath day were the Sabbath hour, how much richer I would be!
I would work all day, and earn a lot, to finally be debt free!
If the Sabbath day were the Sabbath hour, how culturally refined I would be!
I would eat in the finest restaurants, to the movies and concerts flee!
If the Sabbath day were the Sabbath hour, how healthy I would be!
I would hike a mountain, hunt a deer, camp and fish with glee!
If the Sabbath day were the Sabbath hour, how empty I would be!
For in my own self serving life, I would lose eternal keys.
If the Sabbath day were the Sabbath hour, how sad I would be!
For I would have to carry my sins, and the Savior never please.