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"Forever My Angel"

God thought one day "a miracle,
I need my son to see."

A masterpiece beyond belief,
An angel full of glee!

The heavens fluttered calmly,
As they heard what He decreed.

"She'll be My Angel from above,
To finish all my deeds."

"She'll part the clouds of dark despair.
My sunbeams they will shine!"

"She'll give each child a rainbow gift,
My love that's so divine!"

"Her words of faith shall reach on high,
Where no one else can climb."

"She'll warm the hearts of countless souls,
With love that's so sublime!"

God happy now, a daughter born.
And one that was so sweet!

He sent her down with one soft kiss.
And knew His work complete.

Blessed son am I, beyond belief!
For angel pure I've seen!

God's Masterpiece, a miracle,
He gave her unto me!



We live in a world where the tradition of marriage has been lost. The very institution has been redefined, marginalized, and demoralized. What once was considered holy and sacred is now viewed by many as unnecessary, unimportant, and without purpose. Rather than a wonderful blessing fulfilled with trust and fidelity, it is looked upon as a high risk venture that needs a contract with an escape clause.

How the world has strayed from God's definition of marriage. Marriage is ordained of God. As the scriptures teach, "And again, verily I say unto you, that whoso forbiddeth to marry is not ordained of God, for marriage is ordained of God unto man" (D&C 49:15). Marriage is not only a contract between husband and wife, but a contract between God, husband, and wife. This is clearly suggested in the New Testament; "...What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." (Mark 10:9)

God commanded Adam and Eve to fulfill His purposes by multiplying and replenishing the earth. "And Adam knew his wife, and she bare unto him sons and daughters, and they began to multiply and to replenish the earth." (Moses 5:2)

Modern day prophets have declared in a proclamation to the world the following:

"We, the First Presidency and the Council of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, solemnly proclaim that marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and that the family is central to the Creator's plan for the eternal destiny of His children." (The Family: A Proclamation To The World)

And with the commandment to marry and bear children, He instructed man as to how the husband should treat his wife.

"Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;" (Ephesians 5:25) "Thou shalt love thy wife with all thy heart, and shalt cleave unto her and none else." (D&C 42:22)

There is no mortal relationship of more importance in God's eyes than a marriage between a man and a woman. It is so sacred, that God restored the New and Everlasting Covenant of Marriage which is for time and all eternity. Marriage as prescribed by the Lord is not "until death do they part," but forever.

I count myself as one of the luckiest men that walk the earth. I have been married to an angel for over thirty years. She has stood firm beside me through the peaks and valleys of life. She has taught me the meaning of faith, joy, and love. She has blessed our home with wonderful children. She has lived a selfless life and been an inspiration of righteous living. "A daughter pure in deed" well describes her. She is my eternal love, my angel.

Each husband should look upon his wife as a gift from God. She is not only a helpmeet but an angel to assist him in fulfilling God's purposes. A couple's love should be endless and eternal. Their marriage bond should be unbreakable. He should honor her. She should be thought of as his miracle. I would that every man could feel so blessed!


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A Bridge To Heaven's Gate

A Lighthouse Of Love

A Prayer To Heaven

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Adversity, My Friend

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Forever My Angel

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My Mother

My Needs Are Great

Our Father's Love

Our Sweet Temples

Promises and Procrastination



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Time To Become

To The Shores of Paradise

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