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Used by permission of Liz Lemon Swindle. Painting available through Repartee Gallery.

"The Message of Hope"

Come! Come my friend! Feed your soul today!
No worldly care let hinder, nor prevent thee, or delay!

Hurry then! Strait way thy path! Follow me in haste!
Treasures of truth await thy soul, and mana to the taste!

His warmth and care it shall be felt, overflowing into thy heart!
Blessings of wisdom unrestrained, reveal and impart!

Answers to thy struggles, that lie deep down within,
Shall soon distill from heaven, erasing every sin.

Pure, unblemished, hallowed light, a witness thou shall see!
That thou art Father's holy child, forever sealed to be!

Thy vision, and thy purpose, so close within thy reach!
The Spirit to unveil truths, His noble prince to teach!

A kingdom of joy discovered, consumed in His rich love!
Gifts of perfection granted, mysteries from high above!

Powers, authorities, eternal keys, to a chosen son bestowed!
Shall release heaven's blessings, as His promises unfold!

So hear God speak, with promptings sweet, from oracles on this day,
Words of peace, exalted speech, that lift thee far away.

To marvelous heights unimagined, and wonders beyond belief!
To worlds that last forever, where beauty never sleeps!

And then forever after, a righteous birthright claim.
A place at His right hand, where a fullness of glory reins!


If the world knew that a living prophet of God was on the earth, how many would come listen to him speak? What if it were Adam? Or Moses? Or Enoch? Would more show up? Most nonbelievers and many believers show little enthusiasm, or exuberance towards the living prophets who walk the earth in our day. Such irony! A mouthpiece for God walks this earth, and worldly cares often supersede any interest in hearing what God would say through him. The living oracles' messages are of eternal importance. They deliver messages of peace, joy, salvation, and exaltation!

"Now, what do we hear in the gospel which we have received? A voice of gladness! A voice of mercy from heaven; and a voice of truth out of the earth; glad tidings for the dead; a voice of gladness for the living and the dead; glad tidings of great joy..." (D&C 128:19)

The scriptures assure us that God has and will always work through living prophets. "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealth his secret unto his servants the prophets." (Amos 3:7)

"What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself; and though the heavens and the earth pass away, my word shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled, whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same." (D&C 1:38)

Heavenly Father warns us as to the significance of their words.

"And I now give unto you a commandment to beware concerning yourselves, to give diligent heed to the words of eternal life. For you shall live by every word that proceedeth forth from the mouth of God. For the word of the Lord is truth, and whatsoever is truth is light, and whatsoever is light is Spirit even the Spirit of Jesus Christ. And the Spirit giveth light to every man that cometh into the world; and the Spirit enlighteneth every man through the world, that hearkeneth to the voice of the Spirit. And every one that hearkeneth to the voice of the Spirit cometh unto God, even the Father. And the Father teacheth him of the covenant which he has renewed and confirmed upon you, which is confirmed upon you for your sakes, and not for your sakes only, but for the sake of the whole world." (D&C 84:43-48)

What truly is amazing, is the eternal rewards that are promised when His children do indeed give "strict heed" to their words. Their words will increase our faith, heal our wounds, give us hope, help us endure! The Great Physician works through his servants. The lines of power and authority are established. The priesthood of miracles is functioning on the earth today.

So come and listen to a prophets voice! "Treasures of truth await thy soul, and mana to the taste!"


All poems protected by copyright

A Bridge To Heaven's Gate

A Lighthouse Of Love

A Prayer To Heaven

A Ripple In The Water

A Shepard's Call

Abandoned Moments and Forsaken Memories

Adversity, My Friend

Anger's Prison

An Ocean of Pride

Become As A Child

Be Still

Born Again

Bound By Service

Burning Sparks

Christmas Eve Memories

Day And Night

Does Mercy Rob Justice?

Faith In My Trials

Father Is Waiting

Forever My Angel

Free From Hypocrisy

God's Gift

God's Poet

God's Witness

Heaven's Treasure

He Counseled God

Hidden In The Forest

Hope And Faith

If There Were No Light!

In Remembrance

In The Upper Room

My Father, My Knight

My Last Thoughts

My Mother

My Needs Are Great

Our Father's Love

Our Sweet Temples

Promises and Procrastination



Rescuing God's Children

Resurrection's Glory!

Shun Pride, And Forgive

Spiritual Gifts

Suffer It To Be

Sweet Feast


Tell Me! Why Dear Lord?

The Endless Road

The Hem Of My Garnent

The Message Of Hope

The Notes I No Longer Hear

The Power To Lift

The Prodigal Son

The Sabbath Hour

The Seven Days of Creation

The Story of Flowers

The War For Eternal Choices

Time To Become

To The Shores of Paradise

Walk With Me

When Doubt Puts Truth On Trial

Whisperings of Wisdom