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"Adversity, My Friend"

Adversity, my friend indeed.
Wouldst thou abandon me?

To wander on this earth alone.
No growth, no faith, to be?

Lift the pain and anguish felt?
Turn your back on me?

With all the tests and trials brought,
Thou taught me to be free!

So stay, my friend, and camp with me!
Refining everyday!

That I might feel my Savior's love,
To never go away!


It can be said that; "Beneath each trial lays hidden, undiscovered blessings."

Each conquered challenge in life, brings man one step closer to God. Why would that be so? Is it that in man's darkest moments, he most certainly reaches out towards the light? Is it that in his sorrows, he seeks out and comes to know God; thus revealing his own kinship? Is it because often through trials the Savior becomes their companion, and the Holy Ghost their guide?

Imagine a world without adversity, no pain, no grief. There could be no happiness, no joy; not at this time in our mortal existence. The absence of opposition offers no progression, no enlightenment, no refinement. Without opposition and adversity the Refiner's Fire is extinguished, and man's potential for exaltation vanquished.

Adversity and opposition allow for the pursuit of self-mastery, a pathway to perfection. Both bestow to all, the opportunity to choose good over evil, right over wrong, optimism over pessimism, love over hate, trust over mistrust, happiness over sadness, peace over enmity, light over darkness.

Adversity is much like the potter's wheel, it helps shape us, while God's hands create the final product. Through adversity we learn appreciation, and gratitude. Adversity is a mentor, who beacons all to choose, to be their "best selves."

"I will be glad and rejoice in thy mercy: for thou hast considered my trouble; thou hast known my soul in adversities;" (Proverbs 31:7) We have adversity that we may one day know the Savior.


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A Bridge To Heaven's Gate

A Lighthouse Of Love

A Prayer To Heaven

A Ripple In The Water

A Shepard's Call

Abandoned Moments and Forsaken Memories

Adversity, My Friend

Anger's Prison

An Ocean of Pride

Become As A Child

Be Still

Born Again

Bound By Service

Burning Sparks

Christmas Eve Memories

Day And Night

Does Mercy Rob Justice?

Faith In My Trials

Father Is Waiting

Forever My Angel

Free From Hypocrisy

God's Gift

God's Poet

God's Witness

Heaven's Treasure

He Counseled God

Hidden In The Forest

Hope And Faith

If There Were No Light!

In Remembrance

In The Upper Room

My Father, My Knight

My Last Thoughts

My Mother

My Needs Are Great

Our Father's Love

Our Sweet Temples

Promises and Procrastination



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Resurrection's Glory!

Shun Pride, And Forgive

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Suffer It To Be

Sweet Feast


Tell Me! Why Dear Lord?

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The Hem Of My Garnent

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The Notes I No Longer Hear

The Power To Lift

The Prodigal Son

The Sabbath Hour

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The Story of Flowers

The War For Eternal Choices

Time To Become

To The Shores of Paradise

Walk With Me

When Doubt Puts Truth On Trial

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