"Become As A Child!"
Oh that I were a child once more! And could see the world again!
A fresh perspective untarnished! God's works without an end!
Looking in awe and amazement! New creations on display!
Discovering and learning for the first time! A whole new life everyday!
Watching miracles unfolding! Right there before my eyes!
Never a detail missed! The enlightening of my mind!
Conquering countless challenges! Without fear or disbelief!
Acting on quiet promptings! Standing upon my feet!
Listening much more closely! Seeing with more intent!
Observing movement, and smelling! The feelings of much content!
Grasping every moment! With colors clear and bright!
Studying new beginnings! Preparing to take to flight!
Rejoicing in the small moments! Victories one by one!
Achieving additional meaning! A purpose with the Son!
Forgiving without resentment! Unconditional love to show! In a world that has forgotten! The glow within the soul!
Oh that I were a child again! Pure, and sweet, and dear!
Molded by the Spirit! The reason for which I am here!