Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
In the clouds, He appears!
Descending bright light!
The Second Coming is here!
Every knee to bow!
And every tongue to confess!
The Anointed triumphant!
His kingdom to possess!
With fire He cleanses!
The Earth born again!
Paradise restored!
In His power! No end!
Lucifer conquered!
Wickedness subdued!
Sins purged by mercy!
The soul now renewed!
Body and spirit lifted!
From the dust of the ground!
Charity and gratitude!
Eternally found!
Fathers by grave sites!
Priesthood revealed!
Spouses united!
Perfected! And sealed!
Sons and daughters! Embracing!
Gathered in one place!
Families joined forever!
Because of His grace!
One thousand years of glory!
To rule and rein!
The Prince of Peace governs!
With us to remain!
Hosanna! Hosanna!
Shout praises to our King!
Happiness! And joy!
Everlasting He brings!