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"Heaven's Treasure"

Looking downward heaven's portal,
Crystal blue skies and thin floating clouds.

A column of light, a miracle to witness,
God's pure gift, an infant daughter, comes to sight!

The perfect child, in dreams she sleeps.
Soft illumination, a parent's hopes complete!

With eyes well focused, on one so dear,
No moment more tender, as now she is here!

Stunning ringlets, and curls breathtaking!
Precious lips closed, appearing to feed.

Long lashes blink slightly, in slumber she waits.
A sigh, a soft breath, the heartbeat she makes!

Wrapped tightly in warm blankets.
Securely there she rests.

What thoughts! What visions! What memories!
These priceless moments possess?

And as she dreams of heaven gate, and angels in the night.
Her parents near, on bended knee, beseech His holy light!

Earnest pleas for inspiration, combined with entrusted care.
Promises of protection, expressed gratitude, as they close their prayer.

Then a still small voice, from on high comes clear;
"Peace my children, there's nothing to fear!"

"I'll watch over you! Bring her back to me!
And together we shall rejoice, through all eternity!"

God is good, His love sincere, His grace worth more than gold!
For every child that comes to earth, His treasure there unfolds!


The birth of a child is a miracle that can rarely be put into words. The witness of God's handiwork could not be more evident than when holding a son or a daughter, shortly after birth in a quiet room when no one else is around.

The instant bond felt in a dimly lit room, when for the first time the infant child's eyes open and stare into the countenance of a mother or father is unexplainable. The first coo, the first smile, the first feeding, all offer amazing moments never to be forgotten.

The sweet vision of watching the pure and innocent with eyes closed sleeping and breathing, while being held or rocked is beyond description. Their smell and sounds illicit gentle parental smiles of joy. One can only wonder, "what is she dreaming about now?" Only a short time ago, she resided somewhere else in heaven.

Upon such a vision, parents can only confess, "God lives! For His pure love I am witnessing!" Such miracles are priceless and fill our hearts with love and gratitude. What trust the Father of all creation must have in us to grant such a marvelous stewardship and blessing!

The commandment given to Adam and Eve to multiply and replenish the earth, was to fulfill God's purposes. That admonition is the same for each of His children today. We are to experience the miracle of life. We are to learn through parenthood, God's love for us.

One can only begin to comprehend the love of the Father, by having children of their own. It is another way for Him to say "I am here! I am with you!" God shares with us His intimate feelings, by giving us children.

Along with the joy of children comes the responsibility. The Lord instructs us of our parental duty, and makes promises if we fulfill it. First, the instruction is to rear His children in righteousness.

"But I have commanded you to bring up your children in light and truth." (D&C 90:40) "And they shall also teach their children to pray, and to walk uprightly before the Lord." (D&C 68:28)

This promise was made to David. It is true for us as well.

"If thy children will keep my covenant and my testimony that I shall teach them, their children shall also sit upon thy throne for evermore." (Psalms 132:12)

"And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children." (Isaiah 54:13) A home that is Christ centered can only feel love, peace, and protection.

In this poem, God makes a pact. "If you will live worthy of the covenants that you have made with me, we shall all rejoice in the eternities together." Those wonderful and amazing feelings of love and sacred bonds brought with a new born child, can be experienced forever.

My daughters' entries into the world was the same as any other child born to this earth. Yet, I have learned through these experiences, that each child, is God's greatest treasure to us.


All poems protected by copyright

A Bridge To Heaven's Gate

A Lighthouse Of Love

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God's Gift

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Heaven's Treasure

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If There Were No Light!

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My Last Thoughts

My Mother

My Needs Are Great

Our Father's Love

Our Sweet Temples

Promises and Procrastination



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To The Shores of Paradise

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