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"A Ripple In The Water"

I took a walk in morning's light. The freshness in Spring's air!
A quiet path. My thoughts were clear. I spied an old man fair.

Bent stature there. Ashore a beach. With shovel and pick a fly.
His life near spent. Yet on he went. A purpose, to not die.

I shook his hand and smiled. Blue eyes, they were so kind.
He offered me some water. A friendship would abide.

He gifted me a golden stone. And placed it in my hand.
It must have come from deep within. His land of endless sands.

I gazed upon this piece of rock. Time had weathered smooth.
I felt it's texture all refined. And marveled how it soothed.

Amazing colors spoke to me. The history rich I grasped.
Gems of worth lay hidden there. With lessons from the past.

The legacy of wisdom. Which wealth could never buy.
Was freely shared in moments spoke. A witness to mind's eyes.

The elder suggested softly. That I throw it in the lake.
I questioned, "Why?" Respect complied. My treasure, it would take!

I watched and stared intently. As the ripples they spread out!
I felt my heart then skip a beat. The conflict was about.

The old man whispered softly then, "Are you richer now my friend?"
With puzzled look. Confused I was. His riddle did not end.

"Each kind act, and sacrifice! On earth we live to share!
Will live forever in memories! In those we choose to heir."

"Hidden flowers buried deep! They help no one but us!
Yet when they then! Are given free! The blossoms are robust!"

My friend, he then embraced me. And we parted with a tear.
A peace then came. Engulfed my soul. A light drew ever near.

The ripples of love that spread out. From a treasure that seems lost.
Will make one much, a richer man. The gain is worth the cost.

Earthly treasures sought in life. Will never cross the veil.
But love that one would freely give. Will never cease, nor fail!


While taking an early morning walk down a dirt road in a small country town, I saw an old man digging a ditch for irrigation. He was 84 years old and was preforming this labor while attached to a small oxygen tank. I greeted him. We shook hands. And I asked if I could help him. He was near done, but we took a moment to visit. I found his history to be amazing. The years of honest toil and service to others was evident as he recalled his history to me. I was impressed by his kindness and humility. I had made a n unexpected friend. The next morning I awoke at dawn with this poem flowing from my heart. The inspiration taught me some eternal lessons.

Kind acts of love live forever on both sides of the veil (in life and after death). We should always remember the memories we create, last forever in the hearts and minds of those heirs with whom we choose to share. Much like the waves created by a stone thrown into the middle of a deep lake, the influence of kind acts can reach out through time like the rays of the sun.

The greatest acts of love & kindness always demand a sacrifice on the givers part. It may be some of our accumulated wealth, or time when inconvenient, or unexpected physical effort in one's behalf.

In the poem the subtle suggestion was made to sacrifice to achieve a greater good. Is this not what the Savior of mankind did. And did he not follow his Father's example who made the greatest sacrifice of all? These loving acts will affect every living soul throughout all eternity.

The old man in the poem had no problem giving up a gem to a stranger who soon became a friend. The stranger would learn that the elder's wisdom was of far greater value than a precious stone. Wealth cannot buy wisdom, nor can we take wealth with us. We can take knowledge, wisdom, the memories of love and kind acts.

Our kind acts can shape the future of our character and that of others. That character we take with us after this life will be judged on a standard based on love towards others, not based on love of oneself.

"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself." (Luke 10:27)

"For I have given you an example that ye should do as I have done to you. . . . A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another." (John 13:15 & 34)


All poems protected by copyright

A Bridge To Heaven's Gate

A Lighthouse Of Love

A Prayer To Heaven

A Ripple In The Water

A Shepard's Call

Abandoned Moments and Forsaken Memories

Adversity, My Friend

Anger's Prison

An Ocean of Pride

Become As A Child

Be Still

Born Again

Bound By Service

Burning Sparks

Christmas Eve Memories

Day And Night

Does Mercy Rob Justice?

Faith In My Trials

Father Is Waiting

Forever My Angel

Free From Hypocrisy

God's Gift

God's Poet

God's Witness

Heaven's Treasure

He Counseled God

Hidden In The Forest

Hope And Faith

If There Were No Light!

In Remembrance

In The Upper Room

My Father, My Knight

My Last Thoughts

My Mother

My Needs Are Great

Our Father's Love

Our Sweet Temples

Promises and Procrastination



Rescuing God's Children

Resurrection's Glory!

Shun Pride, And Forgive

Spiritual Gifts

Suffer It To Be

Sweet Feast


Tell Me! Why Dear Lord?

The Endless Road

The Hem Of My Garnent

The Message Of Hope

The Notes I No Longer Hear

The Power To Lift

The Prodigal Son

The Sabbath Hour

The Seven Days of Creation

The Story of Flowers

The War For Eternal Choices

Time To Become

To The Shores of Paradise

Walk With Me

When Doubt Puts Truth On Trial

Whisperings of Wisdom